Wednesday, 8 April 2015

The Beginnings of the MAGLEV Trains

Magnetic levitation trains are considered to be the future of "rail" transportation since no conventional trains have become much faster in the past one hundred years. These trains often called "bullet" or MAGLEV trains have recently become popular in some countries, but before I cover the current developments I will go back over the beginnings.

The first developments of a magnetic levitating train had begun by the inventor Alfred Zehden whom filed a patent for his invention of an 'Electric traction apparatus' on June 21, 1902. His only real contribution was to create a high-speed transportation using an electric motor.

It was a couple years later that on the 25th of August 1959 that Richard Polgreen Geoffrey filed the first patent for a means of transport through magnets. His work is what sparked true developments in this area.
The main ideas for this technology was to increase the speeds of trains by reducing the friction between the conventional wheels and the tracks, this theoretically makes the train more efficient as less energy is lost to friction.

- Ryan

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